CCTV Monitoring is reducing its Carbon Footprint

This means we are committed to calculating and reducing our impact on climate change  year-on-year in line with the global goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

This has been independently validated by "Go Climate Positive".

About us

CCTV Monitoring Limited are a leading provider of bespoke, high quality, monitored CCTV security solutions to the Construction Industry. 

They are specialists in their field. The business started out as Security Solutions in 1997 and then to embrace the monitoring arm as its primary focus, in 2005, CCTV Monitoring Limited was birthed. Their primary focus is to resolve the problems caused by opportunistic and professional theft from construction sites by using cost effective, technologically based monitored CCTV solutions as an alternative to manned guards. Since 2005, CCTV Monitoring Limited has grown to become one of the most respected construction site CCTV service providers in the UK.


We are committed to achieving the following targets:

  1. Reduce emissions from Scope 1 transport fuel by 21% by 2027
  2. Reduce emissions from Scope 2 energy by 21% by 2027
  3. Reduce Scope 3 value chain emissions by 21% by 2027


We have committed to reducing emissions over the next year by:

  1. Replace at least 2 engineers vans with lower emission vehicles
  2. Reduce business mileage by 8% by selling Ford Ranger trucks and not replacing

  3. Switch site electricity to a renewable source
  4. Reduce new camera/recorder purchases by 10% by reusing recorders/cameras
  5. Reduce print spend by 10% by introducing efficient printer that uses less ink
  6. Reduce product in use tonne CO2e emissions by 5% by encouraging customers to switch to renewable electricity


Our Net Carbon Footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases we produced in the year once the amount we saved has been taken into account.

Net Carbon Footprint


Carbon Footprint

This is the total amount of greenhouse gases we produced in the year.

Actual Emissions



Equivalent to


flights London-New York

Carbon Handprint

This is the total amount of greenhouse gases we saved in the year.

Offsets Purchased



Emissions Avoided



Emissions Intensity


Tonnes CO2e per £1m revenue


This chart shows how our emissions have changed over the last 5 years.

‘Go Climate Positive’ is a membership programme that makes it easy for businesses to calculate, reduce and offset their carbon emissions. It is designed to adhere to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and Corporate Value Chain Standard.

Click here to learn more

© Go Climate Positive Limited

21 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucs, UK GL53 7BJ

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