Our carbon management solutions
“Road to Net Zero” Certification Programme
This programme is for you IF:
- You’re ready to make a long-term commitment to combating climate change and achieving “Net Zero”.
- You want to prepare your business for the low-carbon economy.
- You want to demonstrate your credentials through certification.
Carbon Reduction Plans
This programme is for you IF:
- You’re ready to make a start to your carbon journey by calculating and understanding your emissions.
- You need to submit your carbon numbers to your customers.
- You need a carbon reduction plan for a contract tender.
Supplier Carbon Reduction Programme
This programme is for you IF:
- You want to give your suppliers a practical solution to help them measure and reduce their carbon footprint.
- You want to collect carbon footprint data from your suppliers on an annual basis to improve your own carbon reporting.
"We don't want to just pay lip service"
Tim Pearce, Haines Watts Accountants

What makes Go Climate Positive different? We support you every step of the way...
The journey to Net Zero can be tough and scary at times, so we are here to guide you through the process, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way.
Carbon Coaches
Our carbon coaches will help you calculate and understand your carbon footprint. They will help you set science-based targets to aim for and help you create an action plan to reduce it. Most importantly, they are always on hand for help and advice.
The best plan in the world is no good if it is not implemented. Our “Road to Net Zero” programme includes quarterly progress reviews to keep your action plan on track and a stakeholder engagement plan to inspire your employees, suppliers and customers to get involved.
Training and Events
We host regular video get-togethers for our members to have the opportunity to share the journey and learn from each other.
Trusted Partners
We have built trusted relationships with other businesses that can help you on your journey to climate positive.
They offer a variety of products and services that will help you reduce your carbon footprint, save waste and tell your climate story.
Members' Portal
Every member has access to our private members portal where you can find all your carbon reports, action plans and advice on carbon reduction, all in one place.

Add-on services
We can add whatever additional support you need from facilitating stakeholder workshops to helping you make a submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project or the Science-Based Targets Initiative.
What makes Go Climate Positive different? We do it properly...

If we are going to take this seriously we need to get a true and clear picture of where we are now.
So, each year we calculate your carbon footprint, including all the activities your business does that emit greenhouse gases, across 22 categories of activity. We help you gather the right data to get a full understanding of all your climate impact, then we give you a comprehensive report according to the requirements of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
Getting the full picture is only the first step. Ultimately we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, but how do you know how much to reduce them by to really have an impact?
We help you set science-based targets to reduce your emissions. This means that these targets are in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recommendations, to limit global warming to 1.5°C

The goal is to reduce our own emissions to zero. However in the real world it’s unlikely that we will be able to absolute zero, so we help you neutralize what you cannot reduce by buying and retiring carbon credits, that are certified to have removed CO2, on your behalf. We follow the guidelines of the Science-Based Targets Initiative by requiring our members to reduce their emissions by at least 90% without neutralization for a claim of “Net Zero”.
Not all carbon credits are created equal so we only use those that have been independently certified by the Gold Standard, or Woodland Carbon Code, so you can be confident that your offsetting really is effective.
Our Net Zero roadmaps help you map out your journey and follow the recommendations of the UN High-Level Expert Group “Integrity Matters: Credibility and Accountability of Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities.”
How much does it cost?
Two of our key values are openness and inclusivity, so we keep our fees are simple and affordable.
We publish our fees on our website and base them on the number of employees to keep them fair for businesses of all sizes.
How much of our time will it take?
We understand that resources are limited in most small to medium sized businesses and that you are unlikely to have a dedicated job role for sustainability.
So, we do all the heavy lifting on the process of carbon management, so that you can focus on changing your business for the better. At first, you will find that the most time consuming part is collecting the data about your activities, but this does get easier over time.